board members
Charlotte Brusseau​
Directs club affairs in cooperation with the Executive Board.
Puts together a meeting agenda for each board & general meeting.
Works with 1st Vice-President to ensure members receive updates on events & opportunities.
Serves as a liaison to Sertoma and attends all Sertoma meetings.
Appoints members to special committees and calls for required reports.
Sarina Gharbi​
Acts as membership chairperson informing new members about club by-laws.
Notifies members of excessive absences.
Updates and keeps track of member hours & fundraisers.
May be called upon to temporarily assume the place of the President in her absence.
Works with President to send out reminders to club membership.
Social chair
Laney Mills​
Acts as the program chairperson.
Researches and finds guest speakers who are willing to talk to the organization.
Contacts guest speaker (one each semester)
Assists the President and 1st Vice President as needed.
Provides stipends to guest speakers.
Updates membership directory.
Lyndal Heer​
Serves as authorized custodian of club funds.
Receives and reimburses all money as prescribed.
Maintains a Treasurer's report that will be attached to the club minutes for the year and kept on permanent file.
Executive Secretary
Keira Hampton
Keeps accurate minutes of the executive board meetings and attendance records for all meetings.
Will record all business transacted at each executive board meeting and keep this information for future reference.
General Secretary
Elle Bailey​
Keeps accurate minutes of general club meetings.
Records all business transacted at each general meeting and sends minutes to members.
Sends all correspondence on behalf of club (i.e. invitations, cards, Evites, etc.)
Sahasra Addala
Creates and emails customized sign-ups for donation drives and volunteer opportunities to club membership.
Sends sign-ups out in a timely manner to allow members to volunteer.
Responsible for the maintenance and management of Zoi website.
Updates content and revises web pages.
Sahasra Barre​
Keeps record of club events & activities in the form of photographs on social media.
Creates slideshow for End of Year Banquet.
Responsible for public relations.
Keeps all social media organized.
Takes care of Zoi Ora Filos scrapbooks.
Mallory Coleman​
Calls all meetings to order.
Assures that order is kept at all times during meetings.
Will pass and complete motions in meetings.